
Lucinda Grafton has over 18 years’ experience delivering award winning marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies across the world.  In recent years Lucinda has dedicated her extensive skills and experience to supporting independent schools and has advised over 60 leading schools across the UK.

With a unique mix of consultancy, agency and client experience, Lucinda has the unique ability to work as a strategist and a tactician: seeing a market opportunity and then developing and delivering the appropriate marketing  strategy to bring about the desired result.

Lucinda is passionate about communications, working with schools to deliver the best possible end to end experience for pupils, staff and parents. She helps schools to strengthen their market position and to make them more appealing: be it to develop their brand, build their profile and reputation or increase pupil numbers with immediate effect.


“Lucinda has unrivalled expertise, knowledge and wisdom in school marketing and communications and her calm manner in ensuring that every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ crossed is hugely reassuring; a truly committed and first-class professional, at the very top of her game. “

Dr Colin Diggory, Former Headmaster of Alleyn’s School, Dulwich and Latymer Upper School, London, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mount House School (Holdings) Limited and Radnor House Group